We're eeking thru week 12 with school. It's about this time that I start counting the weeks till we're done. Stupid, I know. But we *are* a third of the way thru!
I'm fairly settled in our choices, finally. The driving schedule is still maniacal, but at least it's routine in its inconsistencies...(this is Thursday: K doesn't have cheer practice so pick up at regular time: G *does* have cheer and/or dance practice BUT not today because it's a half-day for parent/teacher conferences: S gets picked up an hour after G, then I turn around and go back to school for parent/teacher conferences: tonight is girls' cheer banquet at the high school) And the beat goes on....
B is plugging thru on schedule at home as well. We've pared down just a bit so I can spend time preparing for the Craft Bazaar (which is the beauty of homeschooling), but we'll ramp it up in a couple weeks again to end the semester.
M has a new beau, or 2, or 3. I like beau #1 best, and not just because he's the almost-step-son of a wonderful friend. He was over last night going thru the ritual Hazelwood Initiation Ceremony for all prospective boyfriends....a classic Bogart movie, Casablanca. He passed with flying colors. He even humored me early in the evening by watching snippets of my Joshy Groban DVD without vomitting. What a guy! He'll be taking M to his semi-formal in a couple weeks. So I'm rooting for #1. I'll keep ya posted *wink*
Tom Henry was chosen by over 60% of the city voters on Tuesday to be the newest Mayor. I'm stoked. Totally. I won't bother to list all the reasons why, but suffice it to say I love it when calm, cool, level-headed folks win the day.
As for me, I'm still crazy in love with my husband. Truly. He inspires me as no other in his persistency, kindness, logic, servant heart, and devotion to me and the kids. I know I have a gem, and every now and then I fear losing him. I just can't imagine life without him anchoring us and guiding us. Cliche', yes. But the longer we're married, the more that cliche' enters the realm of reality. I love him as I've loved no other, in my haphazard, incomplete way. I don't deserve him, and I'm thankful he's mine.
So, life putters along with a few backfires, the tank generally on empty, and the backseat full of kids and their adventures in Growing Up. We find ourselves on lots of detours, or lost in the wilderness, or driving at night without a map....but somehow we manage to get back on the main drag thru town along with the many others journeying thru.