Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Misadventures: Ah yes, I *do* remember why I put him in school...

We're officially in week eight of the school year, that time when the honeymoon is WAY over and I'm itching for some change. I have this seemingly insatiable desire to mix it up a bit. This means, in technical terms, I'm second-guessing myself (again).

My current focus has been S. who we sent to all-day kindergarten (which I consider cruel and unusual punishment for a 5-6 year old). I took a field trip to the Dekalb Co. Fair with his class, and found myself in a never ending single file line, snaking our way thru the never ending poo piles of various barn-yard animals, hearing the never ending whining of children over the never ending stench of the animal stalls. Anyway, on the bus ride home, half the class fell asleep. Their teacher mentioned that she hates that there is no 'rest time' during the day for her kids. The are allowed a 5 minute head-down-on-table rest after lunch. STOOOOPIIIID.

S. comes home from school rather grouchy and tired most days, often falling asleep on the couch for an hour or so in the most hilarious positions. I feel kinda sorry for him. Hence my apprehension in continuing to send him away each day for glorified babysitting.

Well, yesterday, S. woke up with a stuffy nose and a hacking cough (convenient) so I decided to keep him home. This was a brilliant effort on the part of the Powers that Be for showing me why he will continue on at all day Kindergarten. The nonstop chaos at my house was enough to put me in my psycho mode for most of the day. The jumping, pounding, fighting, yelling, giggling, running and all manner of 'boy activities' throughout the day made it excruciatingly obvious that I DO NOT want days of this on end. B. couldn't get school done because of the distractions his brother presented each nano-second of the day. I couldn't find a few free moments (that I'm getting spoiled with while just having one kiddo home with me) to get anything done, be it work or play.

So, S. will stay in school. And I won't revisit this again. Until another 8-10 weeks passes by and I'm itching to switch things up again.....

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