Thursday, August 31, 2006

Mumblings: So what's this all about anyway?

Another day, another blog. Ho hum.

The purpose in starting this little dealio is two-fold (with a smattering of other non-descript motives). And since I have your undivided attention, why don't I just dive right in and enlighten you, eh?

Firstly, it seems I inadvertantly became an expert in homeschooling. Not because I'm so good at it, or that I've produced fabulously intelligent kids....but because I find after 10 years I'm still going at it. Plus I'm an armchair curriculum researcher. Which can be a very good thing....or a very bad thing....depending on how much I'm really getting done doing that which I'm reading about in catalogues, books and internet forums. Ahem.

So here I am suddenly volleying questions lobbed at me from those quirky creatures affectionately called newbies. I think my greatest advice to give is this: don't try to produce trophy kids. Don't do it. Avoid it like the plague. Teach 'em to read, write and do math. Read aloud from as many different genres as you can. And keep Little Debbie in your thoughts and in your pantry at all times. (Did I just type that out loud???)

Secondly, believe it or not, I have several family members and friends who actually give a doodie to know what's going on in my little universe....or at least my kids' little universes. This blog is my effort to keep them informed of the goings on in the kids' educational journeys, the goings on in my brain whether foul or fair (keeping the foul to a minimum), and helping inform the masses of little tid-bits I find interesting.

Excited yet? Oh boy, I am. Truly.

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