Monday, September 25, 2006

Mumblings: I'm fine, no really, I'm ok, seriously.

Welcome to my cage. Pretty, yes? Today has been one of those variety when you paste on a smile and pretend all is well, when actually you're having a hard time convincing yourself first and foremost.

I found the card on the right at a little shop last fall and became enamoured. Art can sometimes sum up my thoughts so perfectly at times, and I knew I'd return to this cameo many times in the coming years. Sometimes it reminds me that even our cages can be beautiful and it's not so bad to smile thru the hard times. Other days, like today, it reminds me how utterly dumb it is to pretend all is well when it obviously isn't.

Inside reads the caption: "It's ok, we all go a little cuckoo sometimes"...which brings me much solace on days like today.

But more often it's "Yes, please just put me in the cage where I can look pretty and perform for my public." Or "Yes, I really am nuts and belong in a birdcage." There's no beating around the bush, you're in a cage because you're wacko. End of it.

I've been in a funk for a couple days now, just spinning my wheels in the homeschooling mud. Trying to re-evaluate my reasons for doing this. And what my priorities are....this is what happens when you give advice to others and appear witty and wise (which is ever-so-easy over a computer screen, a bit more difficult IRL) . You begin to mull over your own advice, looking for the telltale signs of success and failure. I'm in a 'failure' kinda mood these last few days. There's a situation brewing in my life that has forced me to take a serious look at what kind of education in life I've handed to my older kids. And after all my wise and witty words, it looks like I'm just due for a timeout in the bird cage. I plead cuckoo.

Hm. Well this doesn't make any sense, and I can't really say what I'm meaning to say. I just happened to catch a glimse of this little card today, and it seemed to articulate artistcally the irony of parenting. At least it made for a cool graphic.


C said...

Cindy, might there be room for two in the pretty cage? I could use a temporary time-out from real life. I'd bring chocolate, fresh French bread with butter, and something from Starbucks. Plus a nice pillow for each of us and soft blankies. I've reading material in case we're up for that, but what I'd actually love to do is just sleeeeeep. Then eat the nummies and chat for hours.

Yeah. So whaddya say?

Anonymous said...

(((Cindy))) Made more sense than you think, I think. (Um, yeah.)

Anonymous said...

If Carrie's bringing such wonderful tasteful items AND we could sleep, I'd really like to join you. I think we're going to have to find a huge pretty cage so we can fit a hot tub in it and I think the response to this get together is going to be huge!

cindy said...

Blankies, chocolate, bread and butter, starbucks, a hot tub....hmmm, just add some Little Debbie treats and I believe we be good to go ladies.

Nice to know I'm not the only one!